On-boarding your new Virtual team member

Hiring your first team member can be very exciting and a bit nerve racking for an entrepreneur. However, as the business owner, you will have to calm your nerves, as the new team member is no doubt a bit more nervous and will need you to be “Cool, Calm and Collected” Here are a few tips to ensure that the on-boarding process for your new team member is a pleasant experience for all involved:


  • Make sure you have all new hire paperwork in a packet for the new team member to read over and sign on their 1st day. Your new team member will want to know about pay periods, conduct codes, etc. and having all of this paperwork prepared and ready, will help put their mind at ease.
  • Set aside time for the new team member to have a virtual meeting with key members of the team. Ensure that the team treats your new member with dignity and respect so there is a good vibe on all fronts.
  • If your new team member is going to hit the ground running, as is the case with most virtual work, double back and ensure they are not overwhelmed and are performing your new tasks properly.

This is Shilonda Downing, signing off for Virtual Work Team LLC!