What You Can Do Now To Prepare for 2016

2016I know everyone is saying the same thing, but “I can’t believe the end of the year is upon us!” I definitely recall when 2015 started and what I outlined for my business for the year. If you can also recall January 2015 like it was yesterday, ask yourself if you’ve accomplished your goals. If not, here are a few tips you can implement now to prepare for 2016:

  • Get your tax information in order.

A freelancer should always stay on top of how much they owe in taxes. This can vary by location, but typically you do not keep every penny of every dollar you make. For those in the U.S. the 40% rule can be useful. Set aside 40% of what you make for taxes and yes, that’s a lot. However, it’s always best to be well prepared in this area.

  • Streamline your processes.

Try to work as lean as possible. Freelancers that you partner with and clients alike really appreciate this. The day to day of owning your own business can be taxing enough; if you add to that a million software programs that must be used just to keep your business running, you’re adding fuel to the fire. Some of the largest businesses in this country, are very lean when it comes to the software programs, apps and devices required to run their businesses.

  • Set goals.

Take a moment to recall what you planned to accomplish in January of this year. Did you prepare the year before to ensure those goals were met? While it’s good to set goals, you must ensure you have a plan to implement them. Consulting with a business professional can help you map out a plan and this should be done now to prepare for 2016. We’re always happy to help you create a plan of action to ensure that 2016 is your best year in ever! You can schedule your “Business Consultation” here.

What do you plan to do now to prepare for 2016? Please share with us in the comments.

This is Shilonda Downing, signing out for Virtual Work Team!

4 thoughts on “What You Can Do Now To Prepare for 2016

  1. Planning ahead is never easy, it takes carefully thought out strategies to accomplish all that is being planned for. I am not completely satisfied with the results of this year (2015)but I have come a long way and for that I am grateful.
    With 2016 approaching at lightning speed, I plan to remain focused on my goals and to always have a contingency plan to ensure that everything goes as smooth as possible. My starting plan to achieve all I need is to first be happy. Happiness Brings so much more to an individual than even money could bring.

    1. Thanks for sharing that honest feedback. You’re right it’s not that easy and you are not alone in not accomplishing everything you’ve planned thus far. That’s most of us 🙂 However, I like that you put happiness above all. I’ve always said, if/when you’re happy you put out your best work. So all the best to you and thanks for sharing the importance of also having a contingency plan. 🙂 ~ Shilonda

  2. I’ve started my efforts for 2016 since last October. I think of it as aiming well like an archer does for his/her long-shots. What that has translated itself to mean for me is to spend money slowly and save money quickly. It’s like when they archer pulls his/her bow back slowly to aim at the target, but releases the arrow quickly to achieve the long distance range needed.

    As a freelancer is its greatly encouraging to see how much I earn with the efforts I have invested in working with my clients. However, taking on unnecessary expenses can -and has diminished that encouragement factor for me this passed year. Hence, as this year closes off, I carefully watch my spending. I want to prepare my finances to be fully ready for that moment when I need to seize the best opportunities for my goals.

    2016…Here I come!

    1. Leanne that’s great advice! Spending money slowly is something I’ve lived by since my youth. I’m glad you see the benefit of it and have already started to implement efforts to that end in October. Thanks so much for sharing your insights and the analogy with us!


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