Get things started off right this year

2015This year, you can get things started off right with your business. Whether you are working as a solopreneur or have a team; begin the year accomplishing small goals that will pay off big. Here are a few things you can do now, to ensure your business is thriving this year:

  • Keep your finances in check. Make sure you understand your expenses and your taxes. Many business owners just focus on what’s coming in, especially many work-from-home or virtual workers. However, it’s important to understand your tax liability and also how much you’re spending on your business. This will provide an honest and true picture regarding what you’re actually making each year and where you many need to make modifications.
  • Delegate the task you dread the most. If you hate handling your finances, hire a bookkeeper. If you hate answering your phone calls or tons of emails. Hire an assistant to help. If your most dreaded task would be revamping your website, get someone else to do it. There is an abundance of talent willing to help you with the things you can’t or don’t want to do. Schedule a consultation with us by clicking here and we can start working on these items you just hate doing.
  • Follow-up on 1 potential client each week. If you have not had time to touch base with those who’ve expressed an interest in your service or products, you could be losing money. Don’t get bogged down with little things and forget the big picture. Here again may be an opportunity to delegate.

Every year can bring new challenges. That’s why it’s best to take control over things that you can alter and ensure that your business year starts off on the right track.

This is Shilonda Downing, signing out for Virtual Work Team LLC.