Communicating With Your Team Is A Must!

When you make your first hire, you may be wondering how much communication is needed for your new team member to be successful. Well the best way to find out is to ask. If you have a good hiring process, you should have a skilled individual that is ready to work hard on behalf of your team and clients. Don’t make their job difficult by communicating too much or not enough. Check in with your new team member on what is working for them, while there is still a learning curve. Listening and then answering questions without fluff or a poor attitude are all keys to being a good leader.

I personally hate to micro manage my team, so after training, I trust the skilled professionals I’ve hired to get the job done without me breathing down their back. However, my team knows that if they need me, they can call or email me and they will ALWAYS get a response. This creates trust and a sense of security that helps teams thrive! You’re only as good as the trust of your team. If your team members don’t trust you or feel that you’re not communicating with them openly and honestly, you could be in real trouble.  Remember your team is serving you AND the clients and you need to empower them to be the best they can be and to do their best work. Listen to them and take their concerns seriously. Always handle things honestly and professionally. Remember communication is the key to any good relationship and good communication with your team will grow your brand exponentially! 

This is Shilonda Downing, signing out for Virtual Work Team LLC!

2 thoughts on “Communicating With Your Team Is A Must!

  1. As always Shilonda another great blog. I have had the opportunity to hire another person to help me in the past with my workload. You are absolutely right about being communicative with you team members. Thankfully, she helped a great deal and I was able to work with her for a bit of time, before she started her own company. We had a weekly planning meeting which we were able to go thru our task list to make sure we hit every client to ensure that all the work was done in a timely manner, let the each other know the results of work being done, and of course we made sure that we were on the same page for everything.

    We still email each other regularly and when needed we still share work. I am glad that I had the experience my first time of hiring someone to take my time, and find someone who worked well with me, and my clients.


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