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Cloud Computing and how it helps freelancers…

Cloud Computing and how it helps freelancers…

Cloud computing is something that just about every freelancer and entrepreneur uses on a daily basis. However, when many hear the phrase “cloud computing”, they can become a bit reticent in expressing exactly what they feel it is. Here’s the description from Wikipedia: “Cloud computing is a marketing term for technologies that provide computation, software,Read more about Cloud Computing and how it helps freelancers…[…]

Computer Security: The Monte Robertson interview

Computer Security: The Monte Robertson interview

Many business owners and entrepreneurs start as what is now termed “solopreneurs”. Meaning they wear every hat in the business and handle every job. They are: “going it solo”, so to speak. Usually this entails purchasing what they deem to be a top-of-the-line computer that is already loaded with an anti-virus program. Many of usRead more about Computer Security: The Monte Robertson interview[…]