Preparing Yourself and Your Clients for Changes in Your Business…

Change is one of the few constants you can count on. This is true in your personal life and will no doubt ring true in your business as well. We live in an age of technology and you can be sure that the next best thing for business is waiting just around the corner. However, while new technology can help streamline processes and procedures, most people aren’t really keen on change in larges doses. This means that even if you decide you need to make changes in order to grow your business, you might want to do so in bits and pieces.

Case in point:

  • I needed to streamline my payment process and recently made that change.
  • I’ll be publishing my first e-book and wanted to create a new website that would help streamline the purchasing process, so that change is forthcoming and wasn’t packaged with my new payment processes.
  • I also have lots of thoughts about how to enhance the client experience, but again, I will wait to introduce those changes.
  • The key is to make sure you introduce change in small doses, so that it is palatable and easy to swallow for everyone involved.

When you make changes in your business, it should always be for the better. Make sure that after each change, you really feel better, you work better and your team performs better. While every change you make may not please everyone of your clients, you want to make sure that your ideal clients are comfortable with the changes you make. In fact, as you grow, you will actually weed out clients who are not best suited or ideal for you and things will just keep getting better and better for your business! With that being said, re-examine your business processes and procedures and if you need help, feel free to schedule a “Business consultation” with me for 60min. at a day and time that works for you. I look forward to helping you navigate the murky waters of the inevitable: CHANGE 🙂

Our New Client Support Area was a Welcome change for our Clients!


Our new client portal was a welcome change for the benefit of our clients. View it here.

This is Shilonda Downing, signing off for Virtual Work Team LLC!!