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Stress relief tips for Entrepreneurs: the Denny Waxman interview

Stress relief tips for Entrepreneurs: the Denny Waxman interview

Every day freelancers, entrepreneurs, small business owners and those looking for work are met with stress and stressful situations. Many use food to calm the stress. It’s called “self-medicating” with food and means that you’re eating to get a rush (usually full of bad sugars), which temporarily makes you feel good.  There’s usually a crashRead more about Stress relief tips for Entrepreneurs: the Denny Waxman interview[…]

It’s Tax Time! Don’t fret, VWT has an Audio Interview to Help You!

It’s Tax Time! Don’t fret, VWT has an Audio Interview to Help You!

It’s tax time and some small business owners and freelancers are feeling a bit paralyzed by the prospect of filing a schedule C and/or many have taken the leap from freelancer to small business owner and have incorporated; which in and of itself can bring a new set of anxieties, such as:  “Will I takeRead more about It’s Tax Time! Don’t fret, VWT has an Audio Interview to Help You![…]