The world today is probably busier than it has ever been. Everyone is in a rush; moving from point A to point B and yet we’re always complaining there’s never enough hour to do everything. Since time is a crucial asset we can never get back; it’s vital that we learn how to manage it. Even with all the time saving gadgets we have at our disposal it’s still important to know how to apportion your time. The following are tips that will show you how to take charge of your day.
Make a to-do list
It’s important to make a to do list every day before you start your day. “The List Producer” is a website that helps with such things and it was founded by a television producer named Paula. She asked to interview me regarding “Being More Efficient When Working Virtually“. You can find helpful list making tips on her website by reading: here. Making a list is a good way of staying organized as you prioritize your tasks. Also make sure you put deadlines after every task. This is one habit that gets you focused during the day.
Learn to say ‘no’
If someone asks you to do something that you were not prepared for and honestly have no time to do it just say no. While it might be tempting to please people by helping out; it is not worth the pain if it’s at your own expense.
Let technology help
You can use some of the personal software programs available that help you keep track of your calendar, bills, to-do lists. You’ll become more organized, once you streamline your life. The more paper you have from bills, phone books etc. the more time you’re likely to waste.
Practice the ‘four Ds’
Making a decision firstly you open an email is crucial for good time management.
Emma Donaldson-Fielder, a Chartered Occupational Psychologist advises practicing the “four Ds”:
Delete: you can probably delete half the emails you get immediately.
Do: if the email is urgent or can be completed quickly.
Delegate: if the email can be better dealt with by someone else.
Defer: set aside time later to spend on emails that require longer action.
Let’s remember that work can be played and our ultimate goal should be to enjoy what we do. We should also remember to reward ourselves as we make progress in prioritizing our work and achieving better results. Let us know if you have time to ensure you’re never caught saying: “Where Did All The Time Go?”.
This is Shilonda Downing, signing out for Virtual Work Team.