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How to manage more than one social network successfully

How to manage more than one social network successfully

Most of us have heard of LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and of course now Pinterest has pushed in! 🙂 (read our previous post re: how one of our Pinterest pictures got featured by a very popular blog: here) These social media  sites help you find clients as a freelancer as well as communicate with your family members and friends very quickly.Read more about How to manage more than one social network successfully[…]

You’ve heard of B2B and B2C, but what about C2B?

You’ve heard of B2B and B2C, but what about C2B?

We’ve all heard of B2B (Business to Business) or B2C (Business to Customer) marketing. However, have you hear of C2B or Customer to Business? Customers are definitely taking the initiative to contact businesses when they have questions or problems and they’re doing so via social media for the quickest response. I’ve done so myself andRead more about You’ve heard of B2B and B2C, but what about C2B?[…]

Cloud Computing and how it helps freelancers…

Cloud Computing and how it helps freelancers…

Cloud computing is something that just about every freelancer and entrepreneur uses on a daily basis. However, when many hear the phrase “cloud computing”, they can become a bit reticent in expressing exactly what they feel it is. Here’s the description from Wikipedia: “Cloud computing is a marketing term for technologies that provide computation, software,Read more about Cloud Computing and how it helps freelancers…[…]